Hello again! I've been a slacker on updating the blog for a couple reasons: I spent several days dealing with migranes (reasons unknown) which threw off the week, and there hasn't been anything to talk about. Let's face it, you can only read "unpacked some boxes, went to the grocery store, got home without Google Maps" so many times before you unsubscribe from my blog!
But this past Sunday was Easter, so I figured it deserved a little blogging.
I found a church in the area that looked promissing, even though it isn't United Methodist, like our old church, or the church I was raised in. It seems that Calgary doesn't have UMCs. It seems (according to Wikipedia, that all-knowing source) that the Methodists joined with Presbyterians and formed the United Church of Canada.
But this past Sunday was Easter, so I figured it deserved a little blogging.
I found a church in the area that looked promissing, even though it isn't United Methodist, like our old church, or the church I was raised in. It seems that Calgary doesn't have UMCs. It seems (according to Wikipedia, that all-knowing source) that the Methodists joined with Presbyterians and formed the United Church of Canada.
The church I found, Deer Park United Church, looked, online, to be similar to Montavilla, which I took as a good sign. Saturday we talked about going on Easter. I finished breakfast Sunday morning, then going back upstairs to see why I hadn't seen anyone else yet. Dennis had fallen back asleep, and had awoken with a continuing sholder pain, and the kids were still in bed as well. Jared even stated he "didn't think it is right to go to a church for the first time on Easter." I personally thought that would be a perfect time, as there are so many visitors we wouldn't stick out, and we could slink off at the end if we decided the church wasn't for us. In truth, I think they aren't ready to find a new church. No problem, there's always next Sunday.
So everyone eventually got out of bed and had breakfast, and our Easter got off to a delayed start.
Dennis and the kids took a bike ride around the community, checking out Auburn House, which is like our Community Center, the tubing hill (for next winter), and other areas. I meanwhile was getting a start on Easter dinner.
I gave the family the option of going out for dinner or eating at home, and everyone voted for eating at home. Oh boy. It turns out that I have never actually made and ENTIRE Easter dinner myself. We usually eat at Sue's, and I bring something(s). But I was up for the challenge, especially since my family is a bunch of willing ginuea pigs!
I had found a post in another blog for a Potato Rosemary Strudel.
Rebecca had been looking at it with me and requested it. It really is an easy dish that looks beautiful; I highly recommend trying it. Just watch the video at the link, as it tells you everything you need to know. Dennis and Rebecca both took leftovers for lunch on Monday (and Rebecca's school does not have microwaves!)
We also had the traditional (for us) ham, although it seems that many Calgarians have turkey as well. Strange. A green bean casserole (not the usual one) and my challah bread rounded out the dinner.
On our trip up here we ate dinner one night at Boston Pizza, and Dennis and I shared a Toffee Pudding. He also had one during the week he was in England, so that is what he requested for Easter dessert. He doesn't ask for much, so I set off in search of a recipe for it, discovering it is made from dates. Hmm. Never would have guessed. It is a cake, not a pudding, and comes with a decadant, sweet topping you pour over top.
The recipe I found online was not like either one Dennis had eaten, but it was still pretty good! I'm continuing my search for one closer to the mark.

All in all we had a very nice, quiet Easter. Oh, of course there was the required Easter egg hunt in the morning. New places to hide the eggs made it that much more fun for kids and parents alike. :)
Well, it's time to try to get Jared's room unpacked. We got Expedit bookcases for both kids last week, and Rebecca's room is unpacked. Jared's will be more difficult, but it needs to be done. Wish me luck!
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