Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Unpacking Adventure

While we arrived last Sunday, April 3rd, our belongings didn't arrive until late Thursday afternoon. So we "camped out" at the house. Sleeping bags and air mattresses, along with our camp kitchen and a quick trip to the grocery store got us through several days. Thursday I met the truck at customs in Calgary, and although they were originally going to deliver the goods on Friday morning, the driver was more than happy that I would take delivery Thursday. So he and another guy unloaded beds, and bookcases, and boxes and Rubbermaid bins. I tell you, you don't know how much stuff you have until you see it all in boxes.

After unpacking a few boxes, I have decided a few things about packers:

  1. Young, unmarried men, while energetic and strong, should not be allowed to pack food. I decided this upon discovering the opened box of lasagna noodles packed upside down, as well as the various (partially full) bottles packed upside down.

  2. Not all packers are the same; some lovingly wrap each item and place it in the box, others put things in haphazardly, making the box look like those last few from the times when I moved myself, with the box containing several items from the kitchen, a couple from the garage, and whatever that thing left on the counter top was.

  3. Packers don't all understand the concept or importance of labeling boxes with the room or content. This is especially important when looking for the espresso maker that wasn't supposed to go on the truck. (I found it on day four, in an unmarked box with a plastic drawer unit and the bucket and car wash sponge from the garage. Thank goodness for Ikea and French Presses.)

All in all the unpacking is going well. I've got my kitchen put away, except for those items floating around in a different box. While unpacking, the kitchen looked like a scene from "The Sixth Sense." (Great movie--see it if you haven't.)

The washing machine is calling to me. It plays a little tune to tell me it's finished; seriously, it's a song of some sort. I figured out how to turn off the dryer one the other night; I didn't think the kids would appreciate being awoken when the laundry was done. Tomorrow I'll write about the kids getting into school. Until then, take care. (I really have to find a better sign off...) Holly


  1. Hahaha Holly! Um, at least you won't be bored for a loooong while? :) That has to be frustrating trying to find stuff!

  2. Don't forget that Grandma and I have a 8' bed of our truck that is full of goodies that didn't make it onto the big moving van. Those things won't be delivered until next month! Hope there isn't anything that you need yesterday. Looks like you have things organized and are now in control of the recycle bins.
